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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Preggers by Therafirm Support Band! Initial Thoughts

I received my first product to review from the MommiesFirst Council yesterday! I was pretty Excited to tear into the box!, I have previously purchased a few "Belly Bands" that I haven't used much this pregnancy as I had thought they were just for extending the wear of your pre-pregnancy clothing and I have basically been living in skirts and dress for the last 25 weeks so haven't really needed them, The ones I had previously are not if I understand correctly actual "Compression" wear though, so I am excited to try this product as I have reached the stage of my pregnancy where my back is getting sore and by the end of the day I am feeling quite a bit of pressure on my belly.

I will be reviewing this product in stages, today's review will focus on my initial thoughts right out of the box.

Packaging was efficient and eye catching, and right out of the box the product seemed of good quality. The box also included a little book with some information, though that information was not specifically regarding the support band, and was more geared towards the other products in the line, which I have to say was a little disappointing, but even a trip to their website garnered me very little information regarding this specific product, I think getting so further information out there as to the benefits of this product would help this company.

A closer examination of the product, shows that the top and the bottom each have a diffrent band, one thicker and one thinner, BUT neither the box, product or booklet, indicate which is the top of the bottom, so I made an educated guess and wiggled my pregnancy self into the garment, and then finished getting dressed.  I can definitely tell that I am wearing the band, but I haven't had it on long enough to tell whether or not that will bother me at some point today, but I will offer in that the product is pretty seamless under my clothing, Upon my arrival to work I visted the website of the company, and discovered at least according to the picture on there, my educated guess was wrong and I was wearing it upside down ;), so off to the bathroom I go to change it around (Which of course will require me to get almost naked in the bathroom at work which might be a little weird) It would have been nice to have some indication of which way was up.

Captain Amazing stared wearing a compression sleeve on his ankles last year for playing sports so I may sit him down tonight and talk about his experiences, though I know it definitely helps him.

Stay tuned I will be reviewing the effectiveness of this product once I have had enough time to test it out.  In the meantime here is a link, if you want to check it out yourself :)


Wednesday 4 June 2014

MommiesFirst Council Member!

I am very pleased to announce that I have been selected to be apart of the MommiesFirst Council!

This opportunity will allow me to review and rate products for both pregnant women and moms which will be featured both on the MommiesFirst website and in upcoming MommiesFirst monthly boxes.

I have already been selected for my first product which is an item for my pregnancy!!  I can't wait to review it and share with you all!!